Reasons to be cheerful - Part 4
As we pass through the Summer Solstice and into Summer proper…getting ‘back to normal’ seems to be the way forward.
The shop is busy with tourists and business trippers - it’s always nice to chat with people from far and wide who come to visit our little store and leave with something that’ll hopefully remind them of their visit to London.
Last week it was great to see the music festivals in full flight again with some real treasures appearing at Glastonbury and across the capital too.
Music really is something to be grateful for - it’s truly magical.
We can find the magic in everything if we search for it.
I find just taking a moment to pause and focus on gratitude brings the light in.
So just close your eyes and remain still.
Breathing in….
(i am grateful for the air that allows me to breath)
Breathing out…
(thank you for another wonderful breath of fresh air)
Repeat 10 times.
Now think of some other things you’re grateful for.
Here’s a few of mine…
My wife
My dog
My home
Coffee in the morning
Good health
Feels good eh?
That’s all for this week. Be well.
Bye June.
ps.just a thought